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USA121 - Brookite and Quartz - Magnet Cove, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

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Ex. Ernie and Vera Schlichter Collection #3-173

Sharp crystals of brookite to 7 mm are on a limonitic matrix in this classic from Magnet Cove. There are also milky, doubly-terminated quartz crystals to 5 mm. The reverse side of the matrix has several apparent pseudomorphs after a cubic species, possibly pyrite, although I have not identified them. Ex. Ernie and Vera Schlichter collection. For more information on this locality, see Rocks and Minerals, Volume 64, Issue 4. 6.1 x 3.0 x 2.9 cm.

Price: $160.00
154.48 £130.62 ¥24,912