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Paki010 - Blue Spinel - Aliabad, Hunza Valley, Gilgit District, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan

Paki010 - Blue Spinel - Aliabad, Hunza Valley, Gilgit District, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan #1Paki010 - Blue Spinel - Aliabad, Hunza Valley, Gilgit District, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan #2Paki010 - Blue Spinel - Aliabad, Hunza Valley, Gilgit District, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan #3Paki010 - Blue Spinel - Aliabad, Hunza Valley, Gilgit District, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan #4


Attractive specimen of vibrant blue spinel crystals on a calcite matrix. The spinel octahedrons measure to 1.1 cm and are quite sharp. The elongated crystal in the foreground measures 1.6 cm. The matrix fluoresces a cream color under LW UV. 5.1 x 4.6 x 3.6 cm.

Price: $250.00
241.08 £200.90 ¥38,385