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PA018 - Beryl var. Aquamarine with Muscovite - Raikot, Chilas, Diamar District, Northern Areas, Pakistan

PA018 - Beryl var. Aquamarine with Muscovite - Raikot, Chilas, Diamar District, Northern Areas, Pakistan #1PA018 - Beryl var. Aquamarine with Muscovite - Raikot, Chilas, Diamar District, Northern Areas, Pakistan #2PA018 - Beryl var. Aquamarine with Muscovite - Raikot, Chilas, Diamar District, Northern Areas, Pakistan #3PA018 - Beryl var. Aquamarine with Muscovite - Raikot, Chilas, Diamar District, Northern Areas, Pakistan #4

Attractive spray of medium-blue aquamarine crystals to about 1cm on an albite matrix. There are also some small, tan muscovite crystals forming a pleasing contrast to the white matrix. The aquamarine crystals are lustrous and undamaged. 5.8 x 3.9 x 3.8 cm.

Price: $415.00
400.18 £333.49 ¥63,719
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