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Mex022 - Wulfenite with Descloizite - Erupción Mine, Los Lamentos Mts., Chihuahua, Mexico

Mex022 - Wulfenite with Descloizite - Erupción Mine, Los Lamentos Mts., Chihuahua, Mexico #1Mex022 - Wulfenite with Descloizite - Erupción Mine, Los Lamentos Mts., Chihuahua, Mexico #2Mex022 - Wulfenite with Descloizite - Erupción Mine, Los Lamentos Mts., Chihuahua, Mexico #3Mex022 - Wulfenite with Descloizite - Erupción Mine, Los Lamentos Mts., Chihuahua, Mexico #4

Extremely fine specimen of orange-brown wulfenite crystals partially covered with descloizite. The wulfenite is unusually translucent and thick (to 1 cm) for Los Lamentos. A superb, undamaged miniature from this locality. For more information on this locality see "Famous mineral localities: The Erupcion/Ahumada Mine - Los Lamentos district, Chihuahua, Mexico." The Mineralogical Record, 34(6),pp:5-31. 3.7 x 3.6 x 2.8 cm.

Price: $500.00
478.80 £404.40 ¥77,909