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EMR-G107 - Mimetite - Quartz Cliff, Badenweiler Pb Mining District, Badenweiler, Black Forest, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

EMR-G107 - Mimetite - Quartz Cliff, Badenweiler Pb Mining District, Badenweiler, Black Forest, Baden-Württemberg, Germany #1EMR-G107 - Mimetite - Quartz Cliff, Badenweiler Pb Mining District, Badenweiler, Black Forest, Baden-Württemberg, Germany #2EMR-G107 - Mimetite - Quartz Cliff, Badenweiler Pb Mining District, Badenweiler, Black Forest, Baden-Württemberg, Germany #3

Collection of Edward Rosenzweig

From my personal collection, this is a terrific German mimetite reminiscent of "campylite" from Caldbeck Fells. The crystals are a brilliant yellow-orange and measure to 4 mm. This find was described in the April 2000 Lapis magazine; this specimen was one of the finer pieces found. For more information on this locality, see the Mindat locality page. 9.7 x 9.6 x 7.8 cm.

Price: $400.00
385.72 £321.44 ¥61,416
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