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Brazil082 - Fluorapatite, Muscovite and Albite - Urucum Mine, Galiléia, Doce Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Brazil082 - Fluorapatite, Muscovite and Albite - Urucum Mine, Galiléia, Doce Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil #1Brazil082 - Fluorapatite, Muscovite and Albite - Urucum Mine, Galiléia, Doce Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil #2


Excellent, transparent 2.3 cm crystal of pink fluorapatite on an albite and muscovite matrix. Pink apatites from the Urucum mine are quite rare and often mistaken for morganite. The crystal has a small 1 mm ding as shown in the photos; otherwise it is superb. The muscovite is also very well crystallized. Fluoresces chalky white under both SW and LW UV. 5.8 x 4.6 x 4.4 cm.

For more information on this locality, please see the Mindat locality page. Also, fluorapatite from the Urucum mine is discussed on page 340 of Minerals & Precious Stones of Brazil, by Carlos Cornejo and Andrea Bartorelli. Photos by Joe Budd.

Price: $1,800.00
1,735.74 £1,446.48 ¥276,370