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Africa116 - Londonite - Rhodizite Series with Tourmaline - Antsogombato, Betafo Department, Madagascar

Africa116 - Londonite - Rhodizite Series with Tourmaline - Antsogombato, Betafo Department, Madagascar #1Africa116 - Londonite - Rhodizite Series with Tourmaline - Antsogombato, Betafo Department, Madagascar #2Africa116 - Londonite - Rhodizite Series with Tourmaline - Antsogombato, Betafo Department, Madagascar #3Africa116 - Londonite - Rhodizite Series with Tourmaline - Antsogombato, Betafo Department, Madagascar #4


Translucent, lemon-yellow crystals of londonite-rhodizite to 1.3 cm on matrix with crude red tourmaline crystals. The londonite-rhodizite fluoresces yellow under LW UV; areas of the matrix fluoresce a bright creamy-white. A nice example of this rare borate - londonite is the cesium-rich end member while rhodizite is potassium-rich. 5.5 x 4.8 x 4.1 cm.

Price: $250.00
241.08 £200.90 ¥38,385
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