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Afg014 - Spessartine on Cleavelandite - Mawi Pegmatite, Laghman Province, Afghanistan

Afg014 - Spessartine on Cleavelandite - Mawi Pegmatite, Laghman Province, Afghanistan #1Afg014 - Spessartine on Cleavelandite - Mawi Pegmatite, Laghman Province, Afghanistan #2Afg014 - Spessartine on Cleavelandite - Mawi Pegmatite, Laghman Province, Afghanistan #3

Small, gemmy orange spessartine crystals sit on a white cleavelandite matrix. The spessartine measures to 4 mm; I count at least ten crystals visible without magnification. The original Dudley Blauwet label narrows the locality to Idiya. The total size of the specimen is 5.1 x 3.1 x 2.7 cm.

Price: $50.00
48.22 £40.18 ¥7,677